Maria Due
Maria Due (Lillesand, Norway) is a mix of a gifted, multilingual poet, a distinct and strong composer, and a thoroughly unique vocal artist. Her power lies in her intense presence in every little detail – the rhythm, the diction, the emotion – rather than volume and high notes.
The references in Maria’s music point strongly to the french hipser-music of the sixties; Birkin, Hardy, Gall, Bardot and Gainsborough. As a singer she’s been described as everything from a cross of Nico and Karen Carpenter to Norway´s answer to Joni Mitchell and Cat Power. Well, in our own words Maria Due is simply an unique vocal artist and delicate song writer.
Debutalbumet Kissing In Public was released 2010, Trust Me Records. //itunes//
Natt i bryggehuset – DEMO 2011
Nå er Maria Due i gang med å skrive låter til oppfølgeren. Skrevet og spilt inn en og samme kveld i bryggehuset på gården til foreldrene.

Norwegian press
“Sterk og varm debut” Aftenposten /5
“Hun hopper med naturlig eleganse fra Kings Of Convenience-stemninger via franske chansons til flørting med noir-gitar..” VG /4
Stemmen til Maria Due er tilsynelatende dempet og rett frem, men den er ekstremt musikalsk, luftig og vakker. –Jenny Hval
Listening to their music live makes you want to get tipsy on expensive white wine, smoke cigarettes and make love to beautiful women on public benches. Not even the fact that it’s February and frigging ice cold on the outside of the venue could change that feeling. The gig was simply that amazing.” by:Larm live review
Maria Due turned in an impressive performance, singing with a delicate, pretty voice that avoided preciousness, and matched nicely with her snappy band. — Matt McDonald, CMJ